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The Tungsten Source - Quality Tungsten Tips Since 1979 The Tungsten Source - Quality Tungsten Tips Since 1979
Tungsten Guide: Common Issues

Common Issues

On this page, we briefly explore three common problems our customers expeience when trying to use our products.

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Weld Program Gas Coverage Arc Gap

TIP: Check to make sure that the weld program has not been changed.

REASON: Changes in the arc starting amperage, background amperage and other factors will directly effect your arc starting ability.

TIP: Check that you have adequate gas per-flow and post -flow time. Ensure that the area in which the are is to be struck is sufficiently free of oxygen and that gas flow is adequate. Don't weld in a drafty area.

REASON: High flow rates can create turbulence and inhalation of oxygen into the arc area. Oxygen in the arc area causes electrode wear. Lower flow rates with longer pre-flow produces better arc starts. Post-flow of a least 10-15 seconds eliminates electrode oxidation during cooling. Inadequate gas flow during welding causes excessive electrode consumption. Drafts can push oxygen into the arc area.

TIP: Make sure you are using the proper arc gap a recommended by you welding equipment manufacturer and that it has not changed from previous settings on your equipment.

REASON: Too large of an arc gap reduces starting ability.

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